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Acne Treatments

Of all the skin conditions to have as an adult or adolescent, acne is the most resilient. Any acne sufferer can tell you about the loss of confidence, painful outbreaks, or enduring scars left in acne’s wake. Common ailments often have common solutions, but when it comes to really making a difference against acne, many of the most popular treatments leave patients desiring more. At Paragould Plastic, we offer newer solutions which rely on cutting-edge technology to finally make that critical difference in the struggle against acne.

Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) uses focused wavelengths of light to banish blemishes, scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. IPL treatments also encourage an increase in production of the body’s natural healing agents such as elastin and collagen. Acne thrives on oily skin and clogged pores, but our facial treatments can exfoliate and penetrate to clear both dead skin and toxins, reducing the occurrence and duration of painful outbreaks.

Benefits of a Acne Treatments

  • Encourages healing
  • Reduces appearance of scars
  • Deprives acne of oils/toxins
  • Opens clogged pores & follicles
  • Can limit duration & frequency of outbreaks
  • Can reduce pain from outbreaks
  • Restores confidence
  • No downtime required

Who’s eligible?

Both our IPL therapy and numerous facial services are ideal for acne sufferers of all stripes. Both treatments are safe for any type of skin and any degree of acne severity. If you, like so many others, have tried every cream, ointment, pill, moisturized pad, or supposedly magical scrubbing apparatus without making significant headway in the fight against acne, it may be time to consider IPL therapy or facial treatments from Paragould Plastic.

Acne Treatment FAQ

IPL treatments are generally pain and discomfort free. Patients can expect to feel a little heat from the intense pulsed light, which is most often likened to a rubber band snapping on the skin. A cooling gel will likely be applied to reduce the sensation of heat on the skin, making the process comfortable for the duration of the procedure.

In the two weeks leading up to your appointment, it’s vital that you avoid direct sunlight as much as is reasonably possible. You’ll also want to press pause on any other cosmetic appointments you may have, including chemical peels, collagen injections, waxing appointments, and tanning bed appointments. Beyond that, your doctor will tell you if any of your acne medications may interfere with the treatment or results.

Absolutely. When dead skin cells and the bacteria that feed on them become trapped in your pores, you may experience an increase in whiteheads. Similarly, dead skin cells and facial oils can find their way into your hair follicles, producing blackheads. In both cases, by clearing away the dead skin, toxins, oils, and bacteria from your face, you lessen your chances of painful or severe outbreaks.

Schedule Your Acne Treatment Consultation

Dr. Epperson can help you decide which treatments are best for your acne and produce the best results to meet your individual needs. To finally make progress against stubborn acne, schedule a consultation today for the most cutting-edge acne tech available in Paragould, Arkansas.

Schedule Your Acne Treatment Consultation

Dr. Epperson can help you decide which treatments are best for your acne and produce the best results to meet your individual needs. To finally make progress against stubborn acne, schedule a consultation today for the most cutting-edge acne tech available in Paragould, Arkansas.

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