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Tummy Tuck


Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat around the belly resulting in a tighter, more aesthetic abdomen. A flat, well-toned core is something that many of us aim for through exercise and weight control. However, it’s common that these approaches cannot always help us achieve the results we’re seeking.

Many patients feel uncomfortable or unsatisfied with extra skin and fat that may sit around their stomach area. A tummy tuck is a routine procedure for both men and women to address issues in the midsection. No matter the situation, an abdominoplasty can help tighten and reshape the abdomen to establish beautiful contours.

A Woman Wearing A Blue Dress

Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

  • Refines and flattens the lower torso
  • Improves the fit of your clothing
  • Increases energy
  • Lowered risk of hernia
  • Enhances your posture and self-confidence

Who’s eligible?

You may be a great candidate if you are in good physical health, do not plan to become pregnant, and have a bulging belly, weak abdominal muscles, or loose skin. If you are tired of living with discomfort around your torso and have reasonable expectations, then a tummy tuck may be a perfect solution for you.

Tummy Tuck FAQ

Your tummy tuck will take place in our comfortable and safe surgery center, with everything needed for a successful and peaceful surgery. An entire abdominoplasty typically takes two to five hours, depending on the scope of work prescribed. This procedure is commonly performed under general anesthesia.

Our team will begin by extracting most of the skin and fat below the belly button in a horizontal or elliptical shape. Then, we use permanent sutures to tighten the fascia, which superimposes the abdominal muscles. This process results in a firmer abdominal wall and tightens the waistline.

Overall, it takes several weeks to recover fully. Part of the recovery process includes the placement of drains to hinder fluid collection serums. Patients will be advised on how to tend for the drains on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, patients often wear a supportive garment called an abdominal binder for four to six weeks after the operation.

Schedule Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to more accurately meet each patient’s individual needs. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative tummy tuck surgeries in Paragould, Arkansas.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to more accurately meet each patient’s individual needs. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative tummy tuck surgeries in Paragould, Arkansas.

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