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Even if you’re eating healthy and regularly exercising, some fat cells seem nearly impossible to shed! At Paragould Plastic Surgery & Dermatology, we offer liposuction to help you achieve the lean physique and chiseled appearance you desire.

An effective procedure for both men and women, liposuction is a common and safe fat-removal procedure. Our Paragould team can remove unwanted fat while tightening the skin in your target areas, with results rejuvenating your entire figure. Popular target areas include under the chin or submental area, chest, abdomen, flanks (or “love handles”), and the lower back.

Benefits of Liposuction

  • Long-lasting results
  • Prompt recovery time
  • Tightened skin
  • Improved comfort
  • Contoured torso
  • Reduced appearance of cellulite
  • Heightened self-confidence
  • Better fitting clothing

Who’s eligible?

It’s important to note that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure and is not intended as weight-loss surgery. Instead, liposuction targets and eliminates stubborn fat cells. Therefore, candidates should be comfortable with their current weight.

During your consultation, our team of plastic surgeons will conduct an exam and discuss your aesthetic expectations and goals. At Paragould Plastic Surgery & Dermatology, we will customize your treatment plan to help you achieve what’s best for your body. Liposuction can be performed on its own, or in conjunction with procedures including tummy tuck and facelift.

Liposuction FAQ

Liposuction removes excess fat deposits between the skin and the muscle. Tumescent fluid containing sterile solution, epinephrine, and a local anesthetic is used to hydrate the fat, making it easier to remove more gently with less trauma.

Our team will begin by extracting most of the skin and fat below the belly button in a horizontal or elliptical shape. Then, we use permanent sutures to tighten the fascia, which superimposes the abdominal muscles. This process results in a firmer abdominal wall and tightens the waistline.

Soreness from liposuction is most intense in the first week following the surgery and then decreases steadily. We recommend wearing compression garments under clothing for several weeks after surgery, as this step helps reduce swelling and improve the final contour. Results improve every day as the swelling fluid is reabsorbed and removed by the body.

Resuming exercise is on a case-by-case basis, but we generally recommend waiting for a couple of weeks and slowly re-introducing physical activities after that.

A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet is necessary after the procedure. While gaining weight after liposuction does not mean it will be re-distributed to other areas of the body (a common myth), the fat cells that remain in your body after surgery can gain and lose volume.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to more accurately meet your individual needs. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative liposuction surgeries in Paragould, Arkansas.

Schedule a Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to more accurately meet your individual needs. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative liposuction surgeries in Paragould, Arkansas.

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