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Scar Revision Surgery


Scar Revision

It can be difficult to overlook an unsightly scar. If you have a scar that cannot be relieved with topical or non-invasive treatments, our expert plastic surgeons at Paragould may recommend scar revision surgery.

Scar revision surgery is a cosmetic treatment that improves the appearance of scars. The goal of this surgery is to reduce the appearance of the scar and create a more natural look. Scar revision can also help minimize scar tissue and allow it to blend in with the surrounding skin tone and texture.

A Close Up Of A Person

Benefits of Scar Revision

  • Minimized appearance of scars
  • Smoother, even-textured skin
  • Erase signs of acne
  • Boost confidence

Who’s eligible?

Good candidates for scar revision surgery are those who are physically healthy, have realistic goals for the surgery, and do not have acne or other skin diseases in the treatment area.

Scar Revision FAQ

Scar revision will be an individualized process for every candidate, depending on the type, age, and location of the scar. Scar revision techniques include removing the prior scar and reclosing and/or rearranging the skin, fat transfer from other parts of the body to improve the contour, and localized radiation treatments for keloid scarring.

The healing phase depends on the locations of the fat harvest and transfer. However, while some larger treatments require a recovery period, many patients resume normal activities only days after fat grafting. You can expect minor swelling, bruising, or redness in both donor and recipient sites.

The scar revision recovery process can include localized discoloration, swelling, or discomfort. You can expect the healing process will continue for several weeks. As the scar heals, it will slowly clarify and fade.

While scar revision will not completely eliminate a scar, the results of scar revision are long-lasting. The final results will take several months to become apparent, and in some cases, it may take up to a year for the scar to mature entirely.

Following the scar revision procedure, patients will need to adhere to a daily scar treatment regime so that the new scar can properly heal. Additionally, depending on your specific treatment plan, you may have to come in for additional treatment.

Schedule Your Scar Revision Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to meet your individual needs more accurately. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative scar revision in Paragould, Arkansas.

Schedule Your Scar Revision Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Epperson can tailor the procedure to meet your individual needs more accurately. Schedule a consultation today for the most reliable and transformative scar revision in Paragould, Arkansas.

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