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Breast Lift


Breast Lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure in which the breasts are lifted and firmed to create a more balanced and youthful appearance. If you start noticing sagging and drooping in your breasts and would like to restore a more youthful appearance without changing your cup size, a breast lift could be right for you. A breast lift is also an excellent tool for addressing breasts that have deflated and for nipples that started to drift downward.

During a breast lift, your surgeon will remove excess skin and tighten the surrounding tissue to create a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

A Woman Posing For A Picture

Benefits of a Breast Lift

  • Restore natural position of the nipple
  • Restore firmness and appearance
  • Tighten the skin to restore your natural shape
  • Lift the breasts, restoring a more youthful look
  • Improve self-confidence

Who’s eligible?

If you notice that your breasts have loose or extra skin after weight loss or breastfeeding, or if you are experiencing sagging or drooping, a breast lift could be right for you. The best candidates for this procedure are individuals in good overall health and realistic expectations about what a breast lift surgery could accomplish.

Breast Lift FAQ

There are several different types of breast lifts with varying techniques of reshaping and incision procedures. Dr. Epperson will determine which breast lift technique is right for you based on your anatomy, skin condition, and the position of the nipples and areola.

Before the surgery, Dr. Epperson will perform a thorough examination of your breasts to rule out any lumps and other concerns. If the exam finds any abnormalities in the breast tissue, you may be required to complete a follow-up examination. Dr. Epperson will also take detailed measurements at your initial consultation appointment and the day of your appointment.

Dr. Epperson will then determine which type of incision and lifting procedure is best for you, based on whether the breasts need to be shortened, narrowed, or both.

You will feel slightly tired and sore after the surgery, but most patients can be up and walking immediately after the procedure. Most patients experience some swelling and bruising for several weeks after the surgery.

Dr. Epperson will check on your healing process during a follow-up appointment a few days after the procedure. It is essential to keep up with all follow-up appointments and regular breast imaging as recommended based on your age and level of risk.

A breast lift procedure can correct sagging breasts, reposition the nipple, or make the areola smaller. Despite some minor bruising and swelling, the results can usually be noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Dr. Epperson will address your expectations during the initial consultation appointment and make sure everyone is on the same page regarding the final result. He will also advise you on post-surgery appearance factors like skin elasticity and breast volume.

Schedule Your Breast Lift Consultation

If you are ready to restore a more youthful and balanced shape to your breasts, take the first step by contacting Paragould Plastic Surgery in Paragould, AR, to schedule your consultation with Dr. Epperson and his professional team.

Schedule Your Breast Lift Consultation

If you are ready to restore a more youthful and balanced shape to your breasts, take the first step by contacting Paragould Plastic Surgery in Paragould, AR, to schedule your consultation with Dr. Epperson and his professional team.

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